Monday, December 23, 2013

Thanksgiving 2013

We traveled to Midland to celebrate Thanksgiving with Katie's family this year.  Since Luke and Evan don't care for the car we decided to fly.  We left on the day before Thanksgiving.  Wesley watched movies the whole flight and Luke and Evan ate and napped.  Lolli and Pops picked us up and headed to their home when we had many visitors come by and see the kids. We are glad we went and visited family.

 First Thanksgiving as a family of 5.
 You can't visit Midland without a trip to Rosas and Taco Villa.  Evan had to see what all the hype was about.

Wesley and Luke on the plane ride home. We are glad

5 months

The twins turned 5 months old on November 8th.

Luke seems to be more laid back than Evan. He loves to blow bubbles with his spit.  He is finally beginning to enjoy the car and not cry as much.  Loves to suck his thumb. His hair is getting much longer.  One of his favorite foods I make is butternut squash, carrots and apples sprinkled with cinnamon. He loves to roll everywhere. He is beginning to get up on his knees but hasn't figured out how to lift his head yet.

Evan has a very loud pitched squeal he lets out every once in a while. He is finally beginning to enjoy the car and not cry as much.  His hemangioma is starting to decrease in size. He loves butternut squash, carrots and apples sprinkled with cinnamon.  He enjoys sitting in the exercauser. He is scooting along the floor with his face down.
 Luke and Evan playing on the floor.

Evan loves Max. He laughs when he walks by him.

They are growing up too fast.