Monday, December 23, 2013

Thanksgiving 2013

We traveled to Midland to celebrate Thanksgiving with Katie's family this year.  Since Luke and Evan don't care for the car we decided to fly.  We left on the day before Thanksgiving.  Wesley watched movies the whole flight and Luke and Evan ate and napped.  Lolli and Pops picked us up and headed to their home when we had many visitors come by and see the kids. We are glad we went and visited family.

 First Thanksgiving as a family of 5.
 You can't visit Midland without a trip to Rosas and Taco Villa.  Evan had to see what all the hype was about.

Wesley and Luke on the plane ride home. We are glad

5 months

The twins turned 5 months old on November 8th.

Luke seems to be more laid back than Evan. He loves to blow bubbles with his spit.  He is finally beginning to enjoy the car and not cry as much.  Loves to suck his thumb. His hair is getting much longer.  One of his favorite foods I make is butternut squash, carrots and apples sprinkled with cinnamon. He loves to roll everywhere. He is beginning to get up on his knees but hasn't figured out how to lift his head yet.

Evan has a very loud pitched squeal he lets out every once in a while. He is finally beginning to enjoy the car and not cry as much.  His hemangioma is starting to decrease in size. He loves butternut squash, carrots and apples sprinkled with cinnamon.  He enjoys sitting in the exercauser. He is scooting along the floor with his face down.
 Luke and Evan playing on the floor.

Evan loves Max. He laughs when he walks by him.

They are growing up too fast.

Friday, November 1, 2013


Wesley has been ready for this day for a few weeks now.  He and Mark went about a month ago and picked out his costume. He knew exactly what he wanted to be; Leonardo the Ninja Turtle.  Wesley's Grammy and Papaw came in town for the weekend.
 We had mummies, ghost and a jack o lantern for dinner.
 Once dinner was finished everyone got dressed up and ready to trick or treat.

Once Wesley finished trick or treating they headed back to the house to hand out candy. Wesley loved choosing what he was going to give everyone.

Next year the babies will have a costume, it's going to be fun.

Carving pumpkins

Wesley loves the Ninja Turtles so we knew that would be the perfect thing to carve in the pumpkin.
 Wesley didn't want to help clean out the pumpkin seeds again this year.  They were too slimy.

 Wesley being silly

 Wesley got bored waiting on the pumpkin to be finished so we grabbed one from the front porch and let his paint it.
 Then of course we had to have cookies.
 Finished project. So glad Wesley has a great Daddy that is artistic.
Luke woke up from his nap and decided to help Wesley finish up his pumpkin. Can't wait to see what our pumpkins will look like next year.

Pre K Fall Party

Wesley pre k class had a Fall party the day before Halloween.  They sang a few songs for the parents then had yummy pumpkin shaped cookies, cupcakes, pretzels and juice.
Singing a song about a pumpkin.
Singing the Itsy Bitsy Spider
Mark showed up to the party to watch Wesley sing. Wesley had a great time!

Fall Party

We decided to host a Fall party at our house this year.  My parent's came down to help with the babies. Wesley invited a few of his friends to come over and roast hot dogs and smores. We had a few games set up for the kids to play; pin the hat on the scarecrow, toss the ring around the pumpkin and a bean bag toss.
The babies stayed outside for just a little while before it got to cold and windy.
All the kids waiting to pin the hat on the scarecrow

Roasting marshmallows
The boys loved running all over the yard and chasing each other.

Eating solids

When the babies turned 4 months old we started them on solids.  Wesley and I make their food; which he loves to do.  The first solid we had them try was oatmeal.  They really didn't care for it at all.  So the next day we added apple sauce to it. They look forward to their evening solid meal. When we are feeding them we have to hold their hands down or they immediately shove them in their mouths.  Some of their favorites so far are; butternut squash, carrots, sweet potatoes and zucchini.

Friday, October 25, 2013

4 months old

The babies turned 4 months last week.  They are changing in their appearances and behaviors every week.  Here are a few things they can do at 4 months.

Evan loves to talk after he finishes his bottle.  He will sit and smile and coo, he loves when you talk to him. He has lost all but a small patch of hair from his cradle cap.  He wears size 6-month clothes but before to long he will be wearing 9 months.  He shoves his whole hand in his mouth instead of his thumb.  He laughed on September 1st for the first time during his middle of the night feeding but wouldn't laugh for us again until September 21st. He takes many catnaps in the morning but usually has a 2 or 3 hr nap in the afternoon. He goes to bed about 8:15 and will sleep til 2 or 3 then take a bottle and go back to sleep.  He can grab for toys that are on his play mat. He loves to stick his tongue and wants you to do it back to him.

Luke lost a lot of his hair when his cradle cap went away. He wears size 6-month clothes.  He found his thumb, which has been very nice.  He rolled over from tummy to back on September 21st but we can't get him on video. He laughes when he "rides the horsey'.  Luke takes many catnaps in the morning but usually has a 2 or 3 hr nap in the afternoon. He goes to bed about 8:15 and will sleep til 2 or 3 then take a bottle and go back to sleep.  He grabs for toys that are on his play mat. 

They went to the doctor on October 23rd and Evan weighed 16.2 lbs and was 24 inches long; Luke weighed 15.1 lbs and was 25 inches long. Both are very healthy and right on track. 

  First time for Evan to play in the exersaucer
 Luke's first time in the exersaucer
 Luke doing tummy time.  He is getting so good at lifting his body off the floor.

  Evan 4 months
 Luke 4 months

One of Evan's many faces

Wednesday, September 25, 2013

Meeting the Pioneer Woman

For those of you who don't know Wesley LOVES watching The Pioneer Woman on the Food channel.   He use to love to watch her cook but now I think he loves it for the rounding up of cattle and other farm duties.  Wesley has two of her children's books she has written and loves to read them often.  When I heard she was coming to a bookstore in Edmond I knew that we had to take him to meet her. He always talks about going to her house and cooking with her and rounding up cattle with Lad and Cowboy Josh.
One morning bright and early 6:20 to be exact Wesley decided to get dressed put on his cowboy boots and hat and head out to the backyard to go round up cattle on his ranger. Little did he know as soon as he opened the back door the house alarm would go off.  Needless to say Mommy and Daddy were not happy.
 Waiting in line to meet the Pioneer Woman.  We were number 17 to see her. The book store was packed and extremely hot, but we had fun.

First session of soccer

Wesley's first season of soccer started this month.  He has many friends on his team and so far really enjoys it. This league has practice before their games which is very nice.
 The team is getting their jerseys from the coach.
 Wesley ready for practice
 Shooting a goal during practice

 Wesley showing off his ninja moves during the game. During the first game Wesley mainly ran with the crowd but as he gets the hang of the game we know he will get in the crowd and get the ball.
Wesley's Aunt Christy came to watch his very first soccer game.