Sunday, January 17, 2010

6979 Ashley Trail update

On January 7th Mark and I signed papers on our new house. Katie's mom came in from Texas to watch Wesley while we signed papers. We moved into our new home on January 15th. We had movers move us from the rental to our new home and they had the move completed by lunch time. Mark's parents, Joe and Becky, came up to help us unpack. By the end of the weekend we had the house unpacked and everything put where is we wanted it.

Wesley playing in the paper.
Max needed to go outside, so he climbed into the paper and waited.

Here is what the house looks after two weeks. We are still working on putting up pictures, curtains and other decorations.

Wesley's playroom

Looking into the kitchen from the dining room

When you walk into the house the study is on the left and the living room is staight ahead.

Wesley's bathroom

Wesley' s bedroom

Thursday, January 7, 2010

Pitter Patter

The week of Christmas Wesley began to walk a few steps back and forth to Mark and I. The week after Christmas Wesley really began to walk from a piece of furniture to Mark or myself. Wednesday morning Wesley got brave and began to walk from toy to toy but after lunch he began to walk around the house all by himself. He holds his arm up in the air to keep his balance and has a smile on his face the whole time. He is doing a great job and gets better everyday. Before we know it he will be running around the house chasing Max.

Tuesday, January 5, 2010

Tall and Slim

On Tuesday, January 5th we took Wesley to his 12 month checkup. Katie had heard that Wes would have blood withdrawn but we didn't know what to expect. The dr came in and examined Wesley and said that he was right on track developmentally and physically. He now is 31 1/2 inches long (which is off the chart) and 21 lbs. and 15 oz. (33rd percentile). He has lost some weight over the last month due to not feeling well and beind so active. After the dr finished her exam in came two nurses, yes I said two; there never has been two nurses to give Wesley shots. They had to take blood from Wesley's arm so they made Mark hold his legs, one of the nurses hold his tummy area and Katie had to hold his head and arm down. Poor Wesley lost it (I would have too), when they finished taking his blood he had to get three more shots. Needless to say Wesley was extremely tired and cranky for the rest of the morning.

He has already learned so much since we blogged about him for his birthday. He is walking pretty much everywhere by himself. He will take off from something and go a few feet then fall, get back up and try again. He makes a brroooommmm sound when pushing his tractors around, or even when he sees a car on the street. He is getting into EVERYTHING!!!!!

One night at dinner we decided to let him try to feed himself applesause, he did a great job and didn't make a huge mess. He loves to push anything he can get his hands on around the house; laundry basket, high chair, music table......

He was sick for a little over a week so he couldn't breathe out of his nose that well at night, so we decided to take his bottle away. This took a few nights before he accepted the change. He now sits with Mark holding his cup and watches The Wonder Pets.

We can't wait to see what Wesley can learn in the next month.

Mommy and Wesley waiting on the doctor.
coloring on the paper