Thursday, May 28, 2009

5 months

Wesley is already 5 months old!! He has had a very hectic last month, we have packed up the Kingwood house, flown to West Texas, flown to Oklahoma and settled into a new home. He went to the dr for a rash and I asked them to weigh him- 19 lbs. 10 oz and 26 1/2 inches long. He really likes it here in Edmond, we sit outside everynight and listen to the birds chirp and watch daddy practice fly fishing.

Wesley's 5 month accomplishments:

  • Wesley loves to eat his solid foods. I think his favorite food is squash, he seems to talk the most while eatting this food.

  • He trys to crawl but his arms are still not ready.

  • He is attempting to sit up on his own but still not ready.

  • Wesley loves for you to stand him up, he even will stand next to the couch by himself for 30 seconds or so.

  • He has been in the teething process for the last few weeks. I asked the dr about it when we went on Wednesday and she said that his gums were swollen, we should be expecting one soon!

We are so proud of Wes and all that he has learned to do.

The mouse looks so small.

Preparing to move

Over the past few weeks Mark and I have been preparing the house for the move. We are very excited to see what Edmond holds for us. While the movers were packing up the house Wes and I went to my parents house in Midland. Wesley had a lot of fun playing on his grandpa's Ranger and hanging out with his grandparents. While Wes and I were playing Mark was in Kingwood with the movers.

This was Mark's bed for several nights. Looks like Max has taken it over.

On the way to Midland Wes and I had the whole row to ourselves. He was very good on the plane. He wanted to sit in the seat like everyone else.

Wes and I spent alot of time outside while in Midland.
We are getting Wesley ready to be an outdoorsman.

Wednesday, May 27, 2009


The weekend before Wes and I left Houston we decided to go and show Wes the beach. The wind was blowing so it was a little chilly and overcast. Welsey was not sure what to think of the ocean. Mark placed his feet in the water to let the waves touch his feet, at first he liked it then Mark moved him a little more into the ocean and he cried (I guess it scared him).

Monday, May 11, 2009


Within the last few weeks Wesley has started to talk more and more everyday. Here is a video of him telling me how yummy his pears were.

Sunday, May 10, 2009

4 1/2 months

Wow what a busy last few weeks. We have our house on the market, so anytime someone wants to come and look at the house we have to clean up and leave for an hour. He has been very patient when we have to leave.

Exhausted after a long day of running around during our open house.

Mark's company participated in a walk for Mental Health Awareness a few Saturday's ago. Their group had to have a theme so they dressed up as 1980's fitness. Wesley sported the headband, while Mark sported the headband, short short's, and tall socks. It was fun getting to hand out with Mark's coworkers.

Wesley is starting to put his knees under his tummy and push along. His arms are not quit ready for crawling yet.

I have started to prop Wesley up on the boppy and he seems to enjoy it.

Getting ready for Sooner country!!