Sunday, January 26, 2014

7 months old

January 8th the babies turned 7 months old. I guess with the holidays last month it feels like they just turned 6 months.  Both babies are feeling better; thank goodness last month was rough.  The babies eat solids during breakfast, lunch and dinner.  They have a bottle in the morning before breakfast, around 10:00, 1:15 and then at bedtime.  We have started them on finger foods this month.  They eat yogurt melts, cereal puffs and crackers.  They have also started practicing using their sippy cups. Luke and Evan wake up around 5:00 am and sometime will turn on their music and go back to sleep and sometimes not.  We usually get them out  of bed around 6 or 6:30 depending on how they are acting. They usually fall asleep for their first morning nape when we are take Wesley to school and then when we go pick him up.  They take an hour and half nap in the afternoons then go to bed around 7:30pm.
 The babies love to help you when you are working on the computer.  I walked away for just a second and Evan was beating on the key board when I returned.
 Luke and Evan love to listen to Wesley play the guitar.  If they are fussy during the day and Mark is at work Wesley will run and find his guitar and play a song for the babies, it quiets them quickly.  Evan found Wesley's hiding spot for his guitar.  
 Evan trying a Mum Mum for the first time.
 Luke trying a Mum Mum for the first time.
 Luke's favorite thing to do.
Luke doesn't think his feet need socks, he thinks they need to go in his mouth.
Wesley loves to help do anything with the babies.  Now that they are eating breakfast he wants to help, so one morning I let him feed Evan. He did a very good job and was very patient.

Evan loves to hold his toes when sitting up.  He is sitting up unassisted on the floor for a minute or so but still isn't able to do it for a long period of time. Evan is very close to crawling.  He will get on all fours rock and then throw himself down.  He is starting to pull himself around but not far. He says da da da da over and over and ba ba.  He loves all food that we give him.

It took a little while to get both looking at me and smiling.  It is getting harder and harder to keep them in the chair sitting still.
Luke up on all fours trying to crawl just isn't there yet.  He rocks back and forth then throws his body down and repeats over and over not going there. Luke loves to bounce in the exercauser.  He says ba ba and da da.  He loves to stick out his tongue and make noises. He is getting better at sitting but still not very confident.

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