Tuesday, May 18, 2010

Touch a Truck 2010

Wesley and I are members of the Edmond MOMS Club, they hold an event called Touch a Truck to raise money for the Oklahoma Food Bank. They provide backpacks with food for school children to take home on weekends and holidays. I volunteered to take donations for the first hour and then Mark and Wesley joined me after that. Wesley didn't know what to think when he first got there but he soon wanted down and began to run to all the trucks.
The sheriff car had the song Bad Boys playing over and over. We let Wesley down and he began to dance!
Wes setting on the Police motorcycle.

Mommy and Wesley with the Borden cow.

Daddy and Wesley checking out the inside of the police car. Sure hope this is the only time he is sitting in one.

checking out the fire truck.

view of the parking lot

sitting in the army truck

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