Wesley is 17 months and we can't believe how much he has learned this month. He is picking up on words like crazy. He now knows 17 words and his favorite word is outside. This month Wesley had another ear infection and viral infection that he can't seem to get rid of. The dr said that if he has one more infection he will need to go visit an ENT. We are teaching Wesley his colors and he knows yellow, red and blue. Almost every night Mark's puts color tablets in his bath water and he loves it.
Here are a few things Wesley loves to do:
* He loves to turn the lights and fan off and on.
* He loves to give hugs, kisses and high fives to his animals, Max and Mark and I.
* When we return home from running around town Wesley helps us get Max out and he will chase him around squealing the whole time.
*Everything must open- He will grunt while pulling or trying to open something.
* He is trying to learn how to put his shoes and socks on. He get very frustrated and sometimes
doesn't want any help.
* If we are walking in the house or outside and he sees trash on the ground he will say "t t t" for
trash and want to pick it up and throw it away.

Wesley loves to show everyone his body parts that he knows. The last body part that we taught him was , yes you guessed it his tongue. He also knows his mouth, eyes, ears, knee, leg, feet, toes, hair, nose, belly button, hand and elbow. If you are not watching Wesley will lift up your shirt in the middle of the store to look at your belly button.

Coloring with his washable markers.

Cooking muffins with mommy.
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