Sunday, February 15, 2015

January 2015

This year I decided to take a picture of all three boys every day.  Here are just a few of what I have taken in January.
 Mark and I took down our Christmas lights while the boys were napping one Sunday.  It was in the 20's that day so I knew once Wesley woke up he would love to take Mark hot chocolate.
 The temperatures were in the 40's one day so we bundled up and headed out to play for a short period of time. Evan and Luke got this new blue truck for Christmas and they love it.

 One day Evan finally put his hat on and didn't want to take it off.
 Luke playing in the bug tent that we have.
 Wesley loves to have spiky hair, so one day when he was out of school we decide to stay in our pj's and have crazy hair.
 The babies snuggling with their blanket.
 Luke and Wesley were taking turns wearing their pirate hat.

 I told Evan to turn and look at me so I could take his picture and this is the face I get.
 This picture above happens several times a day.  Even though there are hundred of legos they want to one that the other brother has.
 Luke's creation
 Wesley still loves his Darth Vader costume and dresses up often.
 Evan dressing up with Wesley.
 Luke and Wesley counting bears one afternoon after school.

This was the very first picture I took for 2015.  I had taken Luke to Urgent Care because he still wasn't feeling well after several days of high fevers. Come to find out he had double ear infections. 
 When I try to clean the house I always have helpers.  Now that the babies have figured out that the vacuum has buttons they can push it is usually a fight to vacuum because they just want to push them over and over.
 Wesley got a few Hot Wheels cars and track sets for Christmas.  He loves to race cars across the playroom and see how far they can go.

January was a pretty crazy month. I can't wait to see what February has for us.

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