Monday, May 13, 2013

30 week Dr visit

We made it to 30 weeks and the babies are growing away.  In just a few short weeks we could be meeting Luke and Evan!! I feel one of the babies moving all day long and the second one is under the other one facing my back so I don't feel him as much.  They both have hiccups all the time. The babies are still both head down so that means no c section as of now!

Wesley always tells me that my belly is getting bigger and bigger each day so we have been measuring it every week.  This week it measures 45 inches around.  Crazy to think how big it could get.

We went to the specialist Friday morning and found out the babies both grew over a pound each; Baby A is 4 lbs 2 oz. and baby b is 3 lbs. 10 oz.  They both had strong heartbeats as well.  The doctor said that he expects us to make it until 37 weeks or so before the babies get here.   

I go back the last week of May to start non stress tests twice weekly.  

This week my energy level has gone way down and I nap anytime Wesley naps.  We go back in two weeks for our next appointments. 

 Here is a picture of baby A and you can see that he has hair.

 30 weeks pregnant

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