Saturday, February 19, 2011

February snow storm's

In the month of February we had two winter snow storms within two weeks. We were not sure what to think, the news told us that this storm would be very similar to last years Christmas Eve storm; blizzard!! The winds blowing very hard and then temps got below zero. It took the snow a very long time to melt due to the temperatures. Mark's work closed a few days for both snow storm so he stayed home with us and had fun.

Wesley loved to eat the snow.
Looking out the front door. We had snow drifts on our front porch about 1 1/2 feet deep.
Mark standing in the snow, about 9 - 10 inches.
Wesley wanted to go out and play in the snow so when the winds finally died down we bundled him up and let him play. He would get so frustrated when he would sink in the snow and get stuck.
He wasn't happy when he fell in the snow, but we had to get a picture before we could get him up.
After the first snow storm Wesley and Mark got out in the back yard and started to build a snowman. Wesley wasn't very interested in helping Mark build the snowman so he walked around and crunched the snow.

I guess we should probably buy a sled for next winter so we have one and are ready for the next snow storm.

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