Wesley has learned so much in the past two years. Here are a few things that he has accomplished......
*Wesley loves to be chased around the house and loves to chase us around the house. He will run to Mark if Katie is chasing him or vice versa and squeal the whole time he is running. He will then shake his finger and say no then tell us to do it again.
*Wesley loves to tickle us or even his stuffed animals. If you try to tickle him he takes of running from you.
*Wesley has a beach ball that he loves to run around the house and kick. He likes it when you kick it out of his hands while he is holding it.
*When we get ready to leave in the morning Wesley loves to get Max inside and pick out his treats. He tells him treat, treat, treat then throws it on Max's pillow and wants Max to lick his hand.
*Wesley knows all of his main colors, red, blue, green, yellow, orange, black, purple and white.
*A few months back Wesley discovered Chapstick and every since then he has a few chap sticks laying around or hidden. He loves to share his chap stick with everyone including his animal friends.
*Wesley is doing much better at church. He will walk up to the church and then start crying as we go in. Once we drop him off he will cry for a little while then stop. He has made so many cute things in his class that we talk about all the time.
*Before bath time Wesley takes off his pants and socks. He can also take off his shoes and jackets.
* Wesley can recognize several letters such as: o,c,t,a,i,e and m.
*Wesley loves to ride the four wheeler with Mark, but now that it has turned cold he doesn't get to as much.
*Wesley loves to play in the garage with all of Mark's tools. He became interested in Mark's tools over the summer when Mark started building his shed in the backyard.
* Wesley loves to "cheers" everything and everyone. He will say cheers, cheers and want you to cheers food, drinks and even toys.We are so proud of Wesley and what he has learned over the past two years. It is amazing how much he learns daily. We can't wait to watch what he learns over the next year.
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