Thursday, April 22, 2010

16 months

Today Wesley turned 16 months old, it doesn't feel like it has been 16 months since he was born.
Wesley went to the dermatologist this week for his excema and she told us that he is getting allergies and to give him zyrtec every morning to help him. This month I decided that it was time to try and teach Wesley his colors. The color that Wesley has picked up so far is yellow. We are very proud of him he is learning so much.
Wesley loves to put his head on the ground and his bottom in the air and then wants you to tickle his belly and say "boo". Too cute!!

Wesley has enjoyed coloring since he was about 12 months. He has just started to actually scribble on the page for a few seconds and then wants to carry the crayons around.

Wesley no longer walks he runs everywhere. He has only had a few scuffed up knees so far. Since the weather is getting warmer we spend the majority of the day outside running and playing. We try to go to the park 2-3 times a week with a few of our friends.
We have really awesome parks here in Edmond and one of our favorite parks has a duck pond. Wesley loves to chase the ducks and squirrels. If we bring bread to feed the ducks he will request a piece and think about feeding it to the ducks then eat it.

A few months ago we bought Wesley stickers and he disliked them. He would scream when they would stick to his fingers, he wouldn't even put them on his shirt or pants. So he got a few packs of stickers for Easter from his Grammie and loves to put them on his pants and shirt.
This month Wesley wants a "dip dip" with every meal. He loves to dip his food in mustard, ketchup and strawberry jelly. This was his first time at trying ranch dressing.

When we leave the house to run an errand Wesley helps us give Max his treat. He runs to the pantry and gets a treat then runs to the utility room and throws it on his pillow and tells him bye bye.

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