On January 22nd Wesley turned 13 months old. He has been able to experience a few snow/ice storms over the past month. I think one of Wesley's favorite things this month is for you to chase him and then tickle him. He giggles the whole time you are chasing him and tries to find a rug or blanket to sit on, He thinks if he is sitting on that then you wont be able to tickle hime. He also loves to throw Max's toys and watch Max get them. Here are a few more things Wesley has accomplished this month.
*He is able to recognise an elephant, alligator, monkey and lion. He can
make the noises most of the time when asked.
*He can make an "ahhh" noise telling you that he is thirsty and would like a drink.
*He has had two of his top molars begin to come through.
*He can point to his lips, teeth and feet.
*He like to play Patty Cake and Itsy Bitsy Spider.

Chasing Max in the backyard.

Playing with the bubble gun.

Wesley loves to play with his drums that his Uncle Chad gave him for his birthday.

trying to eat spaghetti

Wesley and I went to the park one day and the wind was blowing so hard it kept knocking Wesley down. So he decided to sit down and play with the wood chips.

This was Wesley's first time to walk at the park. He could go where ever he wanted.

One day I couldn't find Wesley anywhere in the house. I finally looked in the guest bedroom and found him playing in Max's crate.
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