Thursday, February 25, 2010

Edmond Historical Museum

Since it has been pretty cold outside the last few months I decided to take Wesley to the museum. We visited the museum one other time besides this and it was so crowded. Wesley really enjoyed playing with all the toys and activities they had. In order to get to the childrens play area you have to walk through the museum, they have a horse that Wesley would take bread to. He tried to put it in the horses mouth.

Playing with the train table.
They had a jail room and Wesley would laugh when he let the bungy cord go.

Playing in the vegetable garden.

Sunday, February 21, 2010

14 months old

Over the past month if seems like Wesley learns something new every week. Wesley is an expert walker now, he very rarely looses his balance or falls. In fact he runs everywhere and thinks everytime you look at him he is suppose to run because you are going to chase him. He really loves cats, any time he sees one in a book or on one of his puzzles he will grab it and give it a kiss and a hug. He loves to hug and kiss things.

When Wes needs his diaper changed I will ask him if he is ready to get his diaper changed then I make a train noise "choo choo" and he begins to run to his room and stand at his changing station. This happens the majority of the time.

I am teaching Wesley the animal sounds and his favorite animal noise with an elephant. He hits his hands on his legs when he hears an elephant for the stomping noise and he also throws his arms around in the air and makes a "brrrr" noise.
We are still working with Wes on feeding himself. Sometimes he tries to feed himself with his spoon but he doesnt ask to do it everyday.

He loves to kick the soccer ball or any ball around the house. He really likes it (squealing loudly) when Mark runs up and down the hall kicking it.

He is becoming very attached to his blanket he sleeps with. He will not get out of bed from his nap or in the morning without giving it to you first.

He knows where his toes and belly button are.

Words he know:
dada- daddy
mama- mommy
moo- cow
mew- meow
bye bye
ba da- blowdryer
baaa- ball

He can sign "more" when he wants something else to eat.

One day the temperature reached 50 so we decided to go to the park and play. They have a pond where you can feed the ducks and fish, so Katie would give Wesley a piece of bread to throw to the ducks but instead of feeding the ducks he ate it himself.
Reading with mommy

Playing in one of his tents.
14 month picture.... these are getting harder and harder to get. He can now climb in his chair and say ba ba ba, meaning sit on your bottom, then climb right out.

He loves to dance. Mark installed a few ceiling speakers through out the house for Katie's birthday and when we turn them on he begins to dance. Somedays Wesley will point up to the ceiling and say mmmm mmmm, for music. We love to watch Wesley dance every night we laugh and laugh at him. It is the cutest thing we hope you enjoy it as much as we do.

Storm Shelter installation

When we move to Oklahoma we decided it would be best that we got a storm shelter installed in the garaged floor incase there is ever a tornado in our area. Mark had them come out on a Friday afternoon so he could be here to watch. We had a cold front with a wintery mix (another one imagine that) moving in as they were working on it. It only took them 4 hours to cut the concrete, install and pour concrete. Here are a few pictures.

They first started out by cutting a rectangle in the concrete.

They took out the concrete piece by piece

Wesley loved watching all the action.
taking out the dirt.
lowering the box

concreting it in

Katie can drive her car over it and park where we still have enough room to get in if we need to.

Wednesday, February 10, 2010

13 month pictures

When Wesley turned one year old we decided to take him to have his one year pictures taken. we schedule an appointment to have his pictures taken one weekend and had to cancel because of a snow storm. So we rescheduled and had to cancel again because of the weather, we finally were able to keep our appointment and they turned out wonderful.

A sweet lady named Tammy Hall took our pictures here in Edmond. We can't wait to schedule an appointment with her for Wesley's fall pictures.

13 month old picture with mouse

clapping hands

At first we thought it would be cute for him to eat his cake with his new books on, but he showed us that he thought his boots needed to be covered in cake rather than himself.

Sunday, February 7, 2010

Valentine's Party

Wesley and I belong to a MOMS Club here in Edmond and they had a Valentine's Party for the kids. This was Wesley's first Valentines Party and I think he had a great time. They had a few activities set up for the kids; decorating bags, cookies and then pretzels for a snack.
Wesley was bringing me a book to read before we left.
Here are two of our friends from our playgroup; Sami and Eli. Eli is decorating his bag.
Wesley enjoying his cookie after I look over and notice that he has taken another little girls cookie. OOPS!! He ate his WHOLE cookie. I was surprised to see him sit in his seat the whole time.

Some of the kids decorating their bags and cookies.

Sleeping on the way home.

checking out all his Valentines

Tuesday, February 2, 2010

Ice storm- January 2010

On Wednesday, Janurary 27th, the news reported that we were going to have an ice storm hit us Thursday morning then that night it would turn to snow. They said that we could have up to 2 inches of ice and 10 inches of snow. Mark decided that Wesley and I should fly to Midland to stay with my parents before the storm arrived incase we lost power. On Thursday night Mark went outside and saw that we had accumulated 3/4 inch of ice and the snow started to fall. By the end of the storm we had 4 inches of snow. Luckily we didn't loose power.

front of the house after the ice/snow storm

back yard

The back fence accumulated 3/4 inch of ice.

side of the house
Max's dog house
When Katie and Wesley came home from Midland Wesley was eager to go play in the snow. We dressed him in warm clothes and headed outside. He immediatly found RED mud, that is all they have here in Oklahoma. One night when Mark got home we took Wesley out to see the icicles and Mark would take an icicle in his hand and knock down the others, Wesley thought this was so hilarious.

feeling the snow
Walking in the snow with Daddy.

Look Momma I am holding it.
Wesley wanted to sit in the snow so we decided after telling him that it was going to be cold he could do it. Here is a picture Wesley's bottom and feet in the snow.

13 months

On January 22nd Wesley turned 13 months old. He has been able to experience a few snow/ice storms over the past month. I think one of Wesley's favorite things this month is for you to chase him and then tickle him. He giggles the whole time you are chasing him and tries to find a rug or blanket to sit on, He thinks if he is sitting on that then you wont be able to tickle hime. He also loves to throw Max's toys and watch Max get them. Here are a few more things Wesley has accomplished this month.

*He is able to recognise an elephant, alligator, monkey and lion. He can
make the noises most of the time when asked.

*He can make an "ahhh" noise telling you that he is thirsty and would like a drink.

*He has had two of his top molars begin to come through.

*He can point to his lips, teeth and feet.

*He like to play Patty Cake and Itsy Bitsy Spider.

Chasing Max in the backyard.

Playing with the bubble gun.

Wesley loves to play with his drums that his Uncle Chad gave him for his birthday.
trying to eat spaghetti

Wesley and I went to the park one day and the wind was blowing so hard it kept knocking Wesley down. So he decided to sit down and play with the wood chips.

This was Wesley's first time to walk at the park. He could go where ever he wanted.
One day I couldn't find Wesley anywhere in the house. I finally looked in the guest bedroom and found him playing in Max's crate.