On Wednesday, July 22nd Wesley turned 7 months old. He has changed so much this past month. He is getting thicker hair and has had his second tooth come through. We were told by the dr to try and give Wesley table food when we eat dinner. So over the last few meals we have tried mashed potatoes and carrots. He did not care for the potatoes either time we tried them, but we will keep trying. We have also started Wesley on yogurt bites (while we are eatting dinner), they are freeze dried drops and we are working on him with picking up food. He babbles all the time, favorite word or babble being......da da, he can also say ba ba and ga ga.
weight: 21 lbs.
length: 28 inches

It is getting harder and harder to take a picture of Wesley, he wants to be on the move and play with his toys.

Wes playing

Wesley's second tooth.
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