On Monday June 22nd Wesley turned six months old. This month Wesley went to the church nursery for the first time. He seemed to have a lot of fun, because when we picked him up he was sleeping. He spends 45 minutes almost everyday in the gym nursery so mom can work out and get back in shape.

It is getting harder and harder for us to get a picture with the mouse next to Wesley. About 5 minutes into the photo shoot we got a good picture.
Wesley didn't like the bubbles popping in his face but was interested in watching them fly in the air. Mark decided that Max needed bubbles blown at him and Wesley thought that was really funny.

One afternoon I came in and found Wesley reading a book after his nap. Ha Ha, just kidding. We read a book after he gets up from his afternoon nap.
Today we went to the dr for his 6 month checkup, the dr. said that he looks great. She also told us based on his height he will have a major growth spurt in a few weeks.
*height-26 1/4 inches (46th percentile)
*weight- 20 lbs. 3 oz. (90th percentile)

Wesley sitting up in front of the mirror. He had a blast tearing the paper and then would try to eat it.
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