Wednesday, December 10, 2008

Snow Fun

Around 9:00 there was enough snow on the ground to go outside and have fun. Mark, Max & I went in the backyard and made snow angles, threw snowballs (at max) and made a daddy snowman and a baby snowman.

This is what the yard looked like before we rolled the snowman.
Mark is making his snowangel along with Max's help.
What a great looking snow angel.

Mark did not tell me that my belly was showing, sorry. Here is my snow angel. I am sure that a lady who is 39 weeks pregnant should be doing this.

Burr it's cold.

This is our snowdad and snowbaby before Max attacked it. Mark and I searched the house for items to make the eyes, scarf and nose. I found rocks to make eyes but they would not stay on, so Mark colored the eyes and mouth on with a magic marker.

1 comment:

In the Life of The Crump Family said...

You guys had ALOT more snow than we did! Love the baby snowman...too cute!