Thursday, December 18, 2008

40 weeks 3 days

Still no baby Wesley. On Wednesday morning Mark, my mom Kay and I woke up at 5:00 a.m. to get ready to be induced. In Houston you are placed on a list to be induced and if a family comes in who is actually in labor the dr's push you back. We had to call starting at 6:00 a.m. to see if they had a bed available and of course they did not. So they make you call every two hours after that, the catch is you may not eat or drink anything. We called every two hours until 3:00 p.m. I called the dr to see how long this was going to go on and she told me that I could eat and I was off of the list. Apparantly the labor and delivery was extremely busy.
We go in on Friday morning at 9:00 to have a non stress test on the baby. This test provides the dr with information on how the baby is handling contractions and his movement by watching his heartrate. Then we have our weekly appointment on Monday afternoon, if he is still not here. Keep watching for updates.

1 comment:

Matt and Cindy Barker said...

You poor thing...he's just too comfy and cozy in there! Hang in there! Hopefully he'll be here before Christmas and you guys can be home and settling for the holidays.

One good thing about Dr. Torres, when she scheduled my induction for Madi on the 14th, it was set....none of that calling and waiting business!