Wednesday, November 12, 2008

Assembling baby items

We received our last big registery gifts at Mark's work baby shower (pictures to come). We decided to assemble the pack n play one night when Mark got home from work. This took a lot longer than I anticipated (directions are the key when assembling something). Mark decided that he did not need the directions because this was going to be very easy. Well 30 minutes later I was getting worried because this is where Wesley is going to sleep the first month or so of his life and I needed to make sure it was assembled correctly. After reading the instructions we finished putting it together and rolled it into the bedroom.
Yea, step 1: get out directions. The next night Mark, Max and I decided to put the swing together. We read the instruction step by step and the swing was put together in no time! Max decided to help Mark put the seat cover on.

This is a very cool swing, not only does it swing three different ways but you can hook your ipod up to the swing and the baby can listen to music. Mark decided to try this out, so he hooked the ipod up and began to find music for Wesley. Mark searched through the ipod and found music that I don't think Wesley would find very soothing, but we had a good time playing with it.

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