On Monday, December 29th Wesley turned one week old. This has been a crazy week for our new family. As some of you know Katie was hospitalized after returning home with eclampcia. She was able to return home on Monday after being in the hospital for two days. We are very thankful that Katie's family was still here for the holiday's to help Mark with Wesley, thanks to Emily as well for helping out.
Monday, December 29, 2008
One week!!!!!
On Monday, December 29th Wesley turned one week old. This has been a crazy week for our new family. As some of you know Katie was hospitalized after returning home with eclampcia. She was able to return home on Monday after being in the hospital for two days. We are very thankful that Katie's family was still here for the holiday's to help Mark with Wesley, thanks to Emily as well for helping out.
Thursday, December 25, 2008
Christmas 2008
We spent Wesley's first Christmas at our house here in kingwood, although he is only three days old I think he got more presents than anyone. Santa brought Wesley lots of books and learning toys so that he can grow up and be brilliant. The Katie’s family spent the holidays with us helping out around the house and helping with Wesley. All in all it was a great Christmas!!

Tuesday, December 23, 2008
Wesley Jay Oekerman
It all started at 10:45 Sunday night, Katie woke up with contractions that were about 6 to 8 min apart. At about 11:30 I heard her walking around in the bathroom so I got up to see what was going on; she said that she was having strong contractions that were getting closer together so I got my watch and started to time them. At this point the contractions were more like 4 to 6 min apart so we decided to go ahead and call the hospital and tell them we were coming in. We left the house around 12:45 and drove down to the medical district, thankfully there was no traffic on the road and we made it there without any problems. Shortly thereafter we were admitted into the hospital where the nurse checked Katie and determined she was 5cm. After a while of painful contractions Katie decided it was time for the epidural and from then on out it was a waiting game. At around 12:00pm the doctor came in the room and decided it was time for Katie to start pushing, two hours later we had a beautiful baby boy!
Wesley Jay Oekerman
December 22, 2008 @ 2:42pm
Weight: 7lb 15oz
Length: 19 ¾ inches
Friday, December 19, 2008
Stress Test
My mom and I went to the dr's office this morning to have the non stress test. I was asked to lie down while they strapped the fetal monitors to my belly to hear the babies heartbeat. His heart rate did jump when he moved, but they said that the test looked great and there was nothing to worry about. While I was laying there the dr said that I did not have contractions. Wesley is obviously very content where he is.
I was told to call the dr tomorrow (Saturday) after 5:00 p.m. to get my instructions on being induced Tuesday. I go to the dr on Monday afternoon. We will keep you informed as we find out more information.
Merry Christmas
I was told to call the dr tomorrow (Saturday) after 5:00 p.m. to get my instructions on being induced Tuesday. I go to the dr on Monday afternoon. We will keep you informed as we find out more information.
Merry Christmas
Thursday, December 18, 2008
40 weeks 3 days
Still no baby Wesley. On Wednesday morning Mark, my mom Kay and I woke up at 5:00 a.m. to get ready to be induced. In Houston you are placed on a list to be induced and if a family comes in who is actually in labor the dr's push you back. We had to call starting at 6:00 a.m. to see if they had a bed available and of course they did not. So they make you call every two hours after that, the catch is you may not eat or drink anything. We called every two hours until 3:00 p.m. I called the dr to see how long this was going to go on and she told me that I could eat and I was off of the list. Apparantly the labor and delivery was extremely busy.
We go in on Friday morning at 9:00 to have a non stress test on the baby. This test provides the dr with information on how the baby is handling contractions and his movement by watching his heartrate. Then we have our weekly appointment on Monday afternoon, if he is still not here. Keep watching for updates.
We go in on Friday morning at 9:00 to have a non stress test on the baby. This test provides the dr with information on how the baby is handling contractions and his movement by watching his heartrate. Then we have our weekly appointment on Monday afternoon, if he is still not here. Keep watching for updates.
Tuesday, December 16, 2008
39 weeks 6 days
Mark and I went to our weekly dr's appointment on Monday afternoon hoping to hear news that baby Wesley had made progress from the prior weeks. He is very comfy and warm where he is at and does not want to meet his family yet. We are going to be induced on Wednesday, if they have a bed open. We are not sure of the time yet we have to call at 6:00 a.m. Wesley is measuring correctly and his heart rate is where it needs to be. Keep watching the blog for pictures soon!!!
Wednesday, December 10, 2008
Snow Fun
Around 9:00 there was enough snow on the ground to go outside and have fun. Mark, Max & I went in the backyard and made snow angles, threw snowballs (at max) and made a daddy snowman and a baby snowman.
Snowing in Houston?????
Today I get a call from my sister in law, Emily, telling me that it was snowing at her house in Tomball. I thought snowing in Houston, that is just crazy!! So about 45 minutes later I look outside and see very small snowflakes falling from the sky. They did end up getting larger and the quantity increased. Max was not sure what to think about this, so he stayed inside on his blankie. Here is a video and picture of the house. It snowed for about 45 minutes. Nothing really is sticking.
This video is a from our back porch. If you look hard you can see white flakes.
Tuesday, December 9, 2008
38 weeks 6 days
Mark and I went to the dr. on Monday and we were hoping to hear that Wesley had made progress, but we are still 3 cm and 90% effaced. Welsey is teaching us to have patience which we will need in weeks to come. Mark and I go back to the dr on Monday the 15th to talk to the dr.
Wednesday, December 3, 2008
38 weeks
Mark and I went to the our 38 week dr. appointment this morning hoping to get news that Wesley would be arriving soon, but that was not what we heard. He is not ready to meet his family just yet. I am still 3 cm dilated and 90% effaced and his heartrate is 139 beats a minute. We are going to walk the malls over the next few days and hope that helps. We go back to the dr on Monday afternoon. Keep watching the blog for updates.
Monday, December 1, 2008
Our friends Heather and Matt got a Wii over the Thanksgiving weekend, so Mark decided that we must go over and try it out. For those of you who don't know, Mark has wanted a Wii for several months now. It was hilarious watching two grown men play this game (I am sure they both were sore the next day, but they would never admit it). They were very excited the first few games; standing up and actually getting into the game. After a few games their energy level had lowered and they were playing from the couch, not giving it their all.
Friday, November 28, 2008
It's beginning to look alot like Christmas!
Monday, November 17, 2008
35 weeks dr appointment
We only have one month to go!!! Mark and I went to the doctor today for our first weekly check-up. Baby Wesley is measuring right for his age. We thought that we would go to the dr this week and the dr would say that Wesley was still high and not dilated, but we received an eye opener. The doctor told us that I am measuring at 2 centimeters dilated and 80% effaced. Baby Wesley was very low and it seemed to surprise the doc. We are packing our bags and getting everything finalized. Keep watching the blog for updates.
Wednesday, November 12, 2008
Happy Halloween
Assembling baby items
This is a very cool swing, not only does it swing three different ways but you can hook your ipod up to the swing and the baby can listen to music. Mark decided to try this out, so he hooked the ipod up and began to find music for Wesley. Mark searched through the ipod and found music that I don't think Wesley would find very soothing, but we had a good time playing with it.
Monday, November 10, 2008
Finishing touches
Sunday, November 9, 2008
Houston Baby Shower
Emily, Becky and Lauren hosted a baby shower for Mark and I in Houston a few weeks ago. We had yummy breakfast food to snack on. It was nice getting to see our friends and family. Katie's mom and dad came down to visit that weekend as well. During the shower Mark and Katie's dad went and played golf. We are very thankful that we have good friends and family. Thanks Emily, Becky and Lauren for hosting such a fun and cute party.
Tuesday, November 4, 2008
33 week sonogram cont...
Okay we finally got our computer back!! Here are a few more pictures of baby Wesley.
Wesley cooperated with the tech during the first few minutes of his photoshot and looked directly at her. This is a picture of his face.
Here is a video of Wesley opening and closing his mouth. He must be hungry.

Here is a video of Wesley opening and closing his mouth. He must be hungry.
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