I can't believe in 4 short months the twins will be 1 year old. I know I say every month that it doesn't seem like it has been a month but we have been so busy this past month with selling and buying a new home. Both Evan and Luke are on the move. They are "army crawling" every where. Evan is much faster than Luke but he will catch up. Evan can start crawling and hear something in another room and do a complete circle quickly and start moving in that direction. They are starting to talk to each other. In the stroller they love to sit face to face and and kick each others feet and smile at each other the whole time. Very funny. Evan and Luke still don't have any teeth, but hopefully soon they will. Both babies are sitting up without any help now. They both say; da da, ba da, de de and a growling noise. Luke has started to make a very loud screech to get your attention. They are eating finger foods a few times a day and can feed them selves the majority of the time. They still wake up between 4:30- 5:00 am then the majority of times they go back to sleep once rocked.

Luke weighs about 18.5 lbs.
Evan and Luke
Evan weighs about 20 lbs.
We wash the babies together and they try to roll over every night in the bathtub so we tried them sitting up and they love to splash. Once one baby is washed and gets out then Wesley gets in and he loves to have the babies splash him. They both love it.
Evan helping us pack boxes.
Luke sitting on the car. He likes to have you push it around and do wheelies.
One of Luke's many faces.
Luke and Evan sitting up.