Wednesday, September 25, 2013

Meeting the Pioneer Woman

For those of you who don't know Wesley LOVES watching The Pioneer Woman on the Food channel.   He use to love to watch her cook but now I think he loves it for the rounding up of cattle and other farm duties.  Wesley has two of her children's books she has written and loves to read them often.  When I heard she was coming to a bookstore in Edmond I knew that we had to take him to meet her. He always talks about going to her house and cooking with her and rounding up cattle with Lad and Cowboy Josh.
One morning bright and early 6:20 to be exact Wesley decided to get dressed put on his cowboy boots and hat and head out to the backyard to go round up cattle on his ranger. Little did he know as soon as he opened the back door the house alarm would go off.  Needless to say Mommy and Daddy were not happy.
 Waiting in line to meet the Pioneer Woman.  We were number 17 to see her. The book store was packed and extremely hot, but we had fun.

First session of soccer

Wesley's first season of soccer started this month.  He has many friends on his team and so far really enjoys it. This league has practice before their games which is very nice.
 The team is getting their jerseys from the coach.
 Wesley ready for practice
 Shooting a goal during practice

 Wesley showing off his ninja moves during the game. During the first game Wesley mainly ran with the crowd but as he gets the hang of the game we know he will get in the crowd and get the ball.
Wesley's Aunt Christy came to watch his very first soccer game.

3 Months Old

The babies turned 3 months old on September 8th. They are changing almost daily.  They smile more and more every day and are starting to coo as well. They are wearing size 3-6 month clothes.

This month they didn't go to the dr but Evan probably weighs 15 lbs and Luke 13 lbs. They both have craddle cap; Luke's seems worse than Evans.

They still eat every 3 hours.  They go to bed around 8:30 pm and wake up around 3 or 4 am for a bottle then go back to sleep until around 7 am. With Wesley going to Pre K it is hard for the babies to nap in the morning. They have a good 3 hour nap in the afternoon. Evan loves to stick his tongue out and loves when we do it back to him. Both Luke and Evan would prefer to be sitting up than laying down.

The babies don't dislike tummy time but they would rather sit up instead.  They are starting to acknowledge each other more and more.
                                         Luke and Evan sitting in the bumbo for the first time.
Babies are ready for football
                                                            Evan's 3 month photo
                                                               Luke's 3 month photo
Luke and Evan with Wesley
                                 Some days are just so exhausting. Evan sleeping in the bath tub.

                                                             Happy Evan in his swing
                                               One of Luke's many faces during tummy time.