Today (December 22nd) Wesley turned 3 years old. WOW this year sure has flown by. He has changed so much for example he didn't really talk much when he was two but now he constantly talks non stop! He is starting to get an imagination and starting to talk to his toys more and more. Some of his favorite songs are; Twinkle Twinkle, Row Row Row your boat and Itsy Bitsy Spider. Here are a few things that he can do:
*Wesley knows all of his letters and a few of their sounds.
*He knows his shapes. He learns a new shape every month in Mother's Day Out.
*Wesley loves to go to school. Some days he pretends to be a teacher and reads his bible like his teachers and sings all of their songs.
* Wesley is doing a great on potty training. He goes to the potty all by himself with out even telling us!
* A few weeks before he turned three we asked his Sunday School teachers to come over and baby sit him while we went out to dinner. He loved that they came over and has asked that they come over again.
*Wesley likes to do things by himself; putting on his shoes, climbing up in his car seat, open up the back door to let Max in.
*Wesley loves to color, paint, stamp and play with play doh.
*Over the last month or so Wesley has started to do a great job at pedaling his tricycle. He loves to ride his tricycle down to the park.
*Wesley still enjoys reading his books several times a day. He really likes to climb in his bed close the blinds, turn off the lights and turn on his "fish lights" and read his story. For Christmas Wesley got a book light so he can see better. He can also recite books that we read daily almost word for word.