Thursday, December 29, 2011

Christmas 2011

For Christmas this year Mark's parents and his Grandpa from Ohio came to celebrate Christmas with us. Mark's parents came up on Friday afternoon and Wesley was excited to see them there when he woke up form his nap. On Christmas Eve we went to downtown Edmond and showed Grammy and PaPaw the ice rink they have set up and walked around the antique shops. After everyone got up from naps we headed to Church for our Christmas Eve service. We brought Wesley in to the service so he could experience the lighting of the candles; we thought he would love that part. After Church service we headed to Old Chicago pizza and enjoyed dinner.

This was the first year that the "Elf" showed up at our house. We decided to name him Elroy. One morning we woke up and found Elroy on top of the pendant light.
On Christmas Eve we spread reindeer food out on the front lawn so the reindeer would have something to eat while Santa delivered presents.

cookies for Santa

Wesley woke up bright and early Christmas morning; we woke up to excitement (OOOOOO trampoline OOOOO chainsaw) about what Santa left. Trampoline and chainsaw. He was so excited I wish we were up and waiting for him in the living room so we could get pictures of him.
We had homemade cinnamon rolls for breakfast. While they cooked we opened presents. This year Wesley really enjoyed opening presents.

He enjoyed helping PaPaw and Grammy open their presents.
Papaw pushing Wesley through the house on his new tractor.
Wesley waiting patiently on Papaw to get his marshmallow gun working so he can shoot it.
Mark and Wesley got a chainsaw for Christmas.
Grammy made Wesley a super hero cape that he will be able to play with for a long time.

On Christmas night Mark's grandpa flew in late and we showed him around the Chesapeake campus on Monday morning. Everyone left on Tuesday morning. We had a great time with Marks family this Christmas.

Tuesday, December 20, 2011

Happy 3rd Birthday

Today (December 22nd) Wesley turned 3 years old. WOW this year sure has flown by. He has changed so much for example he didn't really talk much when he was two but now he constantly talks non stop! He is starting to get an imagination and starting to talk to his toys more and more. Some of his favorite songs are; Twinkle Twinkle, Row Row Row your boat and Itsy Bitsy Spider. Here are a few things that he can do:

*Wesley knows all of his letters and a few of their sounds.

*He knows his shapes. He learns a new shape every month in Mother's Day Out.

*Wesley loves to go to school. Some days he pretends to be a teacher and reads his bible like his teachers and sings all of their songs.

* Wesley is doing a great on potty training. He goes to the potty all by himself with out even telling us!

* A few weeks before he turned three we asked his Sunday School teachers to come over and baby sit him while we went out to dinner. He loved that they came over and has asked that they come over again.

*Wesley likes to do things by himself; putting on his shoes, climbing up in his car seat, open up the back door to let Max in.

*Wesley loves to color, paint, stamp and play with play doh.

*Over the last month or so Wesley has started to do a great job at pedaling his tricycle. He loves to ride his tricycle down to the park.

*Wesley still enjoys reading his books several times a day. He really likes to climb in his bed close the blinds, turn off the lights and turn on his "fish lights" and read his story. For Christmas Wesley got a book light so he can see better. He can also recite books that we read daily almost word for word.

Monday, December 12, 2011

Early Christmas with Grandparents and Great Grandparents

We celebrated Wesley's 3rd birthday on December 10th with friends and family. Wesley's grandparents and great grandparents came in from Texas for the weekend. On Friday night we gathered for dinner and then opened Christmas presents with them.

Wesley opening presents from his Mema and Papaw.
His uncle Chad and Aunt Christy got him Woody from Toy Story and it has been his best friend since. He sleeps with him and he even goes on car rides with us.
Wesley's new saw from his Lolli and Pops. He got many more gifts that night that he loves as well.

On Saturday we got up and started preparing for Wesley's third birthday party after breakfast. He was expecting 12 of his friends to come to the party. Mark and Papaw headed to Chick-fil-a to pick up the chicken nuggets and balloons, while Mema helped us set up the table and snacks.

Wesley and Pops patiently waiting to open the door.
As soon as the gifts arrived Wesley was ready to open them and didn't want to go play.
All the kids playing in the playroom.
Time to open the presents Wesley is trying to decide which one he should open first.

Cupcake time
His face was precious when everyone started singing Happy Birthday to him.

Playing with one of his toys after everyone left. Wesley had a great time celebrating his 3rd birthday with his friends and family.

Monday, October 31, 2011


Wesley had been anticipating Halloween for a few weeks. He would ask if it was Halloween yet? He was so excited to go trick or treating and to wear his Buzz costume. He practiced trying on his costume, shooting his "laser" and flying fast from house to house daily.
When Mark got home we opened up his Halloween bucket: new cars for his track, stickers, new cup and Cars Pez. He also got gifts from his Lolli and Grammy.
Wesley getting ready to go trick or treating.
Running fast through the front yard waiting on his friend; Erin, to arrive.
Wesley and Erin after a few stops. They did a great job walking up to the houses and saying Trick or Treat then walking off.

We decided to head home after trick or treating for about 45 minutes. Wesley had a great time trick or treating and got a lot of candy. Can't wait to see what he will be next Halloween.

Storybook Forest

On Sunday evening we head to Lake Arcadia and visited the Storybook Forest. We were told that sometimes there is a very long line to get in and you have to wait a while. So we got there about 30 minutes before it opened and sure enough there was a long line to pay. Once we parked Katie stood in line to get in while Wesley and Mark walked around and looked at the campfires and listened to a story.

Wesley waiting very patiently to get in.
Mark and Wesley listening to the story.
Once we got in we walked around and trick or treated with different story book characters, such as: Hansel and Gretel, Pinocchio, Repunzel, Three Little Pigs, Peter Peter Pumpkin Eater, and many many more. Wesley's first piece of candy.

Wesley trying to pull the sword out of the stone.

Once you finished the trick or treating you got to go on a hay ride. While on the hay ride we saw several deer and enjoyed looking at the tree leaves changing.
Mark roasted a marshmallow for Wesley and he didn't care for it. He did like watching Mark roast marshmallow's for himself. We had a great time and can't wait to go back again.

Big boy bed

We have been talking to Wesley for a few months about getting a big boy bed but every time he says no that he doesn't want one. One morning he woke up and told us he was ready for a new bed. We looked around town at a few stores and didn't find anything we like. So this past weekend we went to Pottery Barn Kids and found one we liked.

Getting rid of the baby bed.
Helping Daddy put the bed together.
He did a great job going right into bed that night and every day since.

October Fun

Wow October was a very busy month for us. Here are somethings that took place.

Wesley loves the show Jake and the Neverland Pirates, so we go on treasure hunts in the sand box ofter.

We had a few friends over for a breakfast and movie play date.
Wesley wants Max to do everything with him. Max is a very good sport the majority of the time. Luckily Max's doctor visit had a good outcome.

Katie's parents came in for the weekend and we headed out to the pumpkin patch. They have a petting area, maze, hay ride and campfire. We were only there for about 30 minutes before it started pouring on us.
checking out the rabbits
Decorating his pumpkin from the pumpkin patch
Wesley and Katie went to her parents the weekend before Halloween and Madison was there the whole weekend! On Saturday we loaded up and went to Fiddlesticks Farm. The kids had a great time looking at all the animals and the hayride.

picture with Lolli and Pops

We enjoyed watching the pig races.