Thursday, November 4, 2010

Sam Noble Museum of Natural History

On Monday we carpooled with our friends Sami and Eli to visit the Sam Noble Museum in Norman. Wesley was so excited to have someone ride in the car with him, the whole way to Eli's house Wesley said, sit, sit, sit. The boys played with their toys the whole way there. As soon as we got there Wesley had a burst of energy and he thought he needed to touch everything. The museum had several exhibits with doors to open and turn. Wesley loved to play with all of it.
We visited the discovery room where Wesley love to play with all the animals.

Eli and Wesley playing with dinosaurs.
Wesley digging for dinosaur bones.

Wesley posing in front of a real dinosaur bone.

Halloween night/ Pumpkin Carving 2010

Our city chose to celebrate Halloween on Saturday night instead of Sunday. Mark and his dad, Joe worked on the building all morning and the majority of the afternoon. When Wes woke up from his nap we made dinner and got dressed for trick or treating.

Had to take a picture before we head out to trick or treat.
walking to our first stop.
After every house Wesley would walk to his Grammy and show her what he got. Before we left the house Wesley found a sucker so we told him when he finished trick or treating he could have one.
Daddy and Wesley

While Grammy and PaPaw were here we decided to carve pumpkins and let Wesley paint one. This was the first time Wesley painted at the house.

Mark's pumpkin
PaPaw carving his pumpkin.
Three generations painting.... PaPaw put paint on his face and Wesley thought about doing but decided that wasn't a good idea.
PaPaw bought Wesley a flashlight to go trick or treating and reindeer shoes, which he loved.