Happy 18 months to Wesley!!!He is getting so big he is now 25.5 lbs. and 33 1/2 inches tall. The Dr. said he is right on schedule with everything. We don't have to see the Dr. again until he is two years old. He only had to get one shot this time which was very nice. Wesley only has two more teeth to come through on the bottom before he will be finished, well at least until he gets his two year molars in.
He loves to read, he has many favorites but a few this month are Brown Bear Brown Bear What do You See? and White Rabbit's Color Book. We think his favorite color is bbuu, or blue. He know red, yellow, blue and sometimes green.
Wesley loves to be outside. He will wake up at 6 am requesting to go outside. A few things he loves to do while outside; draw with chalk on the back porch, play with bubbles, push his car, and swing.
Over the last few weeks Wesley has been picking up words like crazy. I talk to him about everything we do during the day and he will pick up or try to say at least one word. A few new words he learned this month was tea, hotdog and birthday.
We meet up with a friend of ours at an indoor playground. When we were leaving to go home I realized they had an area for the kids to paint. I have wanted to have Wesley paint a picture for a while to put up in his playroom so I put a shirt on him and let him go. He tried to eat the paint once but realized that it didn't taste so yummy. He really enjoyed painting and we hope to do it again sometime soon.
Over the past few months Wesley has been hitting his head on purpose on the back of his high chair so we bought him a new booster chair that straps on our dining room chair so he can eat at the table with us. I think he enjoys eating with us.
We started gymnastics this month. We have only gone once but it is every Friday for 45 minutes. He was a little over whelmed the first time we went but I am sure he will do better after we have gone a few times.