Wednesday, March 24, 2010

Weekend with Daddy

The second weekend in March I went on a shopping trip with my mom; Kay, and Christy; my brothers girlfriend to Dallas. Mark watched Wesley while I went shopping. On Friday they got ready for the day and headed to the Oklahoma City Zoo. This was the week of Spring Break so the zoo was very crowded. They stayed a few hours and headed home. Saturday there was a snow storm blowing through Oklahoma so they couldn't play outside. Mark put up Wesley's swing in the garage and they messed around in the garage. I think they enjoyed spending time with each other but were very glad Mommy came back.

Wesley throwing a football he got from his Sonic kids meal.

Eating pretzels in the playroom.
Playing in the fort Daddy built.

running away from Mark with his phone

Tuesday, March 16, 2010

15 months

This last month really has flown by. For two and a half weeks Wesley was sick, first with the rotovirus (which thankfully he had been vacinated for or it would have been way worse) for 3 or 4 days followed by a cold which turned into double ear infections. He had antibiotics for 10 days which he didn't like at all and knumbing ear drops every three hours. Thank goodness the medicine stage is over but I still dont think he feels 100 percent. He is also getting his molars in on the bottom left which isn't any fun.

The weather is still pretty chilly but we take advantage of the 50 degree afternoons to go play outside in the backyard or at the park, bundled up of course. Wesley went to the doctor for his 15 month checkup and was right on track. Wesley had two shots this visit and didn't care for either one.

Height:31 1/4 inches (52 percentile)
Weight: 23 lbs. 10 oz. (35 percentile)

Here are a few things Wesley has enjoyed to do or learned over the month:
*Wesley really enjoys doing things he knows he is not suppose to for example: pulling on the blinds, trying to open the kitchen cabinets, and throwing food off his tray on the highchair.
*For the last five or six months Wesley has screamed while getting his hair washed. This month he lets Mark wash his hair without crying. Bath time is so much easier now.

*During breakfast Wesley has grown an interest in using his spoon to feed himself. He tries to dip the spoon in his yogurt then the majority of the time he gets the spoon in his mouth successfully. One morning I gave Wesley oatmeal and a spoon. He did a great job at getting the food from his spoon into his mouth.
Tired of using the spoon.
*This month he has done a great job with eating food that isn't torn up. This saves us so much time during dinner.

*He enjoys marching up and down the hall. He will lift his right leg and stomp his feet while moving his arms forward and backwards.

15 month photo- He was happy to see his playroom back together
I walked into Wesley's playroom one morning and found him reading one of his favorite books.
Wesley got this Aquadoodle sheet from his cousins for Christmas. He loves to write on the paper. Once he sees what he has drawn he claps his hands and smiles.
One morning while Wesley wasn't feeling well he laid on the floor soI rubbed his back and he ended up falling asleep.

Stacking blocks.


Mark and I decided to paint Wesley's playroom a few weekends back. We took Wesley to Lowes after his nap and chose the paint we wanted. I am so glad that they have the carts with the cars attached because Wesley loves them, he turns the wheel and make a honking noise as we push the cart.

Wesley thought it was pretty cool that his toys took OVER our living room for two days (mommy didn't like this at all). On Friday afternoon we began to clean out the playroom and began to tape off the strips. When we got Wes down for the night we began to prime the walls and paint the white stripe. We let it dry over night and began again the next day with taping off for the second stripe. Wesley really enjoyed pretending to paint the walls and would have love the oppurtunity to help us paint but never got it. Saturday night we put Wesley down again and began to paint.

We love the way the room turned out. Now all we need to do is find pictures to put on the walls.
Wesley helping Daddy level the laser level so we can start to mark the lines.

Wesley wanted to help us prime the walls.
Almost finished priming the room.
