This is your first Birthday,
A very special one,
A nice kind of day,
For treats and lots of fun.
From the time you get up
Till you go Nighty night
Hope your first Birthday
Is a special delight.
While we were in Midland for the holiday Mark and I decided to celebrate Wesley's 1st birthday with friends and family. Since his birthday is so close to Christmas we thought it would be nice to have his party a little early. Wesley got lots of fun presents like; puzzles, books, clothes and toys. Mark and I made him his own cake to “eat” the night before. Wesley didn’t eat much of the cake he just crumbled it up and squished it in his hands. Wesley would take the crushed cake and put it in his highchair; he didn’t get cake in his hair or much on his face. Needless to say we went directly to the bathtub afterwards. For lunch we had sandwiches, chips, fruit and cake. We enjoyed spending this special time with friends and family; thanks for helping us celebrate this day with Wesley.

Mark and I decorating the cakes the night before.

Wesley with his cakes.
playing with a new toy
Casen, Wesley's cousin wanted to play with a book that Wesley got as a gift. Wesley began to chase him around the living room and they both thought it was funny.
Mark and I decorating the cakes the night before.
Wesley with his cakes.