Tuesday, October 27, 2009
Practicing walking
We bought Wes a car that he can ride and walk behind. He loves to do both. Here are two videos of him walking and a few pictures of him riding. Enjoy!!
He loves to ride with his feet up while you push him.
Watch out Max here I come!!
First Haircut
On Friday, October 23rd Mark and I decided that we would take Wesley to get his first haircut. His hair was hanging over his collar and he had curls over his ears (I sure will miss his curls). We were not sure how Wesley would do, so Wesley and I went a few minutes earlier than Mark and looked around. We were the only people in the place, so I think that helped a lot. The lady that cut Wesley's hair was very patient and talked to him the whole time. He sat all by himself in the bumbo and looked so grown up. He wanted to watch was she was doing, so he would turn around and try to see. He did not cry during the whole haircut. After his haircut was finished, he got a toy; bubbles which he loves.

10 months
October 22nd was Wesley's 10 month birthday!! His personality is showing more and more each week. He loves to scrunch up his nose and breathe through it to make a snorting noise. He is now walking/cruising from one piece of furniture to the next. We went to the dr for his second round of the flu shot and I had the nurse weigh him, 22 lbs 8oz. and 30 inches long. He now only eats table food, except for in the mornings, he eats oatmeal. He eats alot of chicken, fruit and hamburger meat. For the first time he had an avacado and loved it. He no longer takes a morning bottle instead he drinks his milk out of his sippy cup with his breakfast. Wesley puts himself to sleep during the day and at night. Mark and I put this off because we knew that it would be hard. After 3 days of Wesley falling asleep on his own, 30- 45 minutes of crying, it only takes him about 5 minutes to fall asleep. He sleeps through the night without waking up!!
10 months....... no smiles
didn't want his picture taken
Saturday, October 17, 2009
Parkhurst Pumpkin Patch
On Saturday we bundled up and headed to the pumpkin patch. It was very chilly but it didn't stop Wesley from enjoying his first time going to the pumpkin patch. At first we went to the petting zoo where Wesley pet the bunny and the goat. He didn't like the horses at first but warmed up to them. We then headed over to the tractor and let him drive it. They had piles of hay that kids could crawl on so we went and let Wes play in the hay. He was very happy pulling the hay out of the bales and putting it on his lap. Next we went and found our way through the corn maze and fortunately we didn’t get lost!! We all started to get cold and tired so Wesley picked out a pumpkin and we headed home.
House Update
On Friday we went to see what progress what made over the week. The house was totally bricked and the dry wall was almost complete. Over the next week they are going to complete the drywall and begin to tile. Hopefully we will have nice weather over the next week and they can complete everything that is scheduled. We went and chose the lights for our house on Saturday afternoon.
The three column's infront will be bricked and the bottom will be stone.
Wesley in his room.
Sunday, October 11, 2009
Wesley's Fall photo's
9 1/2 months
On Thursday Wesley turned 9 1/2 months old. He has changed so much over the past two weeks. He is able to show you were his stuffed tiger, mouse and bear are; he can point out a banana (which is his favorite fruit). Wesley can also pull up on numerous things and loves to push objects around and walk behind. He loves to bounce his ball on the tile then chase it. He dislikes baby food out of the jars so we have started to feed him exactly what we eat.
Wesley also got his first cold/sore throat this past week. He is not sleeping/eating well and very cranky. Hopefully he will get better soon.
pushing the laundry basket
In our coffee table we have two drawers that holds Wesley's toys. After his nap in the morning he likes to pick out which toys he wants to play with.
Wesley also got his first cold/sore throat this past week. He is not sleeping/eating well and very cranky. Hopefully he will get better soon.
House update
On Saturday morning we went to see what progress had been made on the house. We have had rain over the past few weeks, so it is slowing the process down a little. When we arrived the brick layers were at the house laying bricks. They had half of the house bricked and hopefully by Tuesday or so they will have the whole house done and the stone will begin to go on the front. The house had been insulated and we are waiting on an inspection of the insulation so that the dry wall can go on.
Front of the house

The back

The back
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