Thursday, December 24, 2009

Christmas 2009

On Christmas Eve day we had a blizzard warning and the news said we could get up to 8inches of snow. We thought we would get an inch or something. This snow storm dropped 14 inches of snow and had drifts as tall as 4 -5 feet.

Wesley woke up around 6:30 Christmas morning eager to see if Santa stopped by. He wasn't feeling well the day before so he was still cranky. Katie made snowflake pancakes for Wesley, well tried to but they stuck to the mold, and sausage and buscuits for everyone else. After we cleaned up breakfast we decided to open presents. Wesley got a red car from Santa and enjoyed pushing it around but didn't care to sit inside. He got mega blocks, books, cars and a few toys from mom and dad. Katie's parents tried to come up on Christmas Eve morning, but due to the snow storm that day they had to turn around and go back home.

After we opened presents Wesley was pretty exhausted from all the excitement he had to take a nap. Chad and Mark went outside to shovel the driveway. Some neighbors were driving around to see how much snow had accumulated and one person got stuck in front of the house so they had to help them get unstuck. After Wesley woke up from his nap Katie started to get Christmas lunch ready. We bought turkey and ham from a bar b que place here in town so she didn't have to cook the turkey and ham. She made party mashed potatos, brocolli rice casserole, rolls and cherry cheesecake. Everyone enjoyed eatting the delicious lunch.

After we cleaned up the kitchen from lunch we bundled everyone out and put Wesley in the wagon and walked down the street. The wind started to pick up so we didn't stay out long since he was already not feeling well. We went back inside and played with our Christmas presents and then rested the rest of the day.

Cookies and milk for Santa......

Max playing with his toy from Santa.
Riding in his car from Santa, this didn't last long he preferred to push it instead.

Helping Mommy open her presents

opening presents from Mommy and Daddy
reading one of his new books

waiting on Mommy to open presents

the backyard.... Wesley's swing is full of snow.

Riding in the wagon all bundled up.

Playing with the snow that daddy brought in on his shoe.

Christmas Eve snow storm

Mark and I woke up at 4 a.m. Thursday morning to sleet hitting the bedroom window. The news said that we would have snow Christmas Eve (8-10 inches) so we didn't know what to expect. When we woke up the ice was mainly coming down with winds up to 30 mph. As the day progressed the winds picked up and the ice turned into snow. Mark went out about 2:00 p.m. to measure the snow accumlation in the backyard, we had 3 inches. Mark and Chad left to drive around the neighborhood when they came back and measured the snow we had around 6.5 inches.

Wesley's first glance at snow. It was very cold outside. Wesley didn't like the snow blowing in his face.

Mark sat Wesley in the snow and a huge gust of wind blew in his face, needless to say he didn't care for the snow.

Mark measuring the snow, 3 inches

Front of the house, 4 p.m. The trucks had snow drifts of about 12 inches infront of the tires.

About 12:00 the winds picked up to 60 mph at a time.

Looks like we will have a white Christmas after all. We can't wait to get up on Christmas morning and build a snowman with Wesley for the first time.

Monday, December 21, 2009

Wesley's first birthday

Happy Birthday to you,
Happy Birthday to you,
Happy Birthday dear Wesley,
Happy Birthday to you!!!!!

Today one year ago a brown haired blue eyed baby boy was born at 2:42 p.m. We waited and waited for him to enter the world. Mark and I can't believe that it has already been a year.

For Wesley's first birthday dinner we had some of his favorite foods; chicken nuggets, applesauce, corn and carrots. His uncle Chad was here to help us celebrate his special day.
Wesley has gone from not talking or making noises to becoming a very very vocal baby. He loves to clap, kick balls, stack blocks and read. He is becoming very brave and trying to walk on his own. He loves chicken nuggets, turkey, corn, applesauce, grapes, carrots, watermelon, crackers and yogurt. When Wesley turned 11 1/2 months we decided to make his carseat forward facing. He seems to enjoy this much better. He can show you where his head and mouth is, he is working on his eyes and nose.
When Wesley turned 11 1/2 months we began to mix his formula with whole milk. It took about 4 days before he was drinking all whole milk. It was much easier than we thought it would be. He goes to the dr in January for his one year checkup, we will let you know how tall he is.

walking behind one of his favorite toys

he acutally sat in his chair while I took his picture this time.

watching tv in his jammies

Wesley opened this gift and gave us a squeal. He loves to give Elmo kisses and hugs.

crayons and drawing paper

walking from daddy to mommy

enjoying his cupcake

West Texas hunting trip

On the weekend of December 11th Mark had the opportunity to go to the Bar None Hunt Co. Ranch in Irion County, Texas with one of his coworkers. He drove up on Sunday morning and hunted Sunday evening but didn't see anything worth shooting. After breakfast on Monday morning Mark and his guide headed back out to find the perfect buck, but no luck. After lunch they drove around for a while and scooped out their place for later that night. About 4:00 a nice 11 point buck stolled up to the feeder to eat a bite of corn, the rest is history.


We took Wesley to see Santa at the mall one Saturday morning. Wesley and Katie had walked by and looked at Santa a few times before. Santa was a modern Santa, not what we remember him to look like. Wesley talked to Santa for a few minutes then sat in his lap. He did a great job and didn't cry. Hopefully next year will go this smooth.

Monday, November 30, 2009

1st Birthday Celebration in Midland

This is your first Birthday,
A very special one,
A nice kind of day,
For treats and lots of fun.
From the time you get up
Till you go Nighty night
Hope your first Birthday
Is a special delight.

While we were in Midland for the holiday Mark and I decided to celebrate Wesley's 1st birthday with friends and family. Since his birthday is so close to Christmas we thought it would be nice to have his party a little early. Wesley got lots of fun presents like; puzzles, books, clothes and toys. Mark and I made him his own cake to “eat” the night before. Wesley didn’t eat much of the cake he just crumbled it up and squished it in his hands. Wesley would take the crushed cake and put it in his highchair; he didn’t get cake in his hair or much on his face. Needless to say we went directly to the bathtub afterwards. For lunch we had sandwiches, chips, fruit and cake. We enjoyed spending this special time with friends and family; thanks for helping us celebrate this day with Wesley.

Mark and I decorating the cakes the night before.

Wesley with his cakes.
playing with a new toy

Casen, Wesley's cousin wanted to play with a book that Wesley got as a gift. Wesley began to chase him around the living room and they both thought it was funny.

He wanted to make sure there was nothing else in the bag.

opening presents
not to sure about his cake

storing his cake in his highchair

Thanksgiving 2009

As we express our gratitude, we must never forget that the highest appreciation is not to utter words, but to live by them.
~ John Fitzgerald Kennedy

We celebrated Thanksgiving at Katie's parents house this year. Mostly all of Katie's family ate Thanksgiving lunch with us. We had all the usual fixings and some yummy desserts.

Thanksgiving photo 2009
Wesley enjoying a morning snack before lunch. This was Wesley's first Thanksgiving and enjoyed eating turkey, dressing, giblet gravy and rolls.