Thursday, October 30, 2008

33 weeks- sonogram

Wow these last few weeks have flown by. Baby Wesley has been kicking and punching alot and he also hiccups. His favorite place to be now is in my ribs causing pains in my back. Mark and I went to the dr today and had our last sonogram. We found out that Wesley is 4 pounds 14 oz. and is in the 60th percentile for his size and weight. Mark and I decided that he does have Mark's chunky cheeks, we were able to see that he also has hair. We have several pictures to show you along with a video, but our cd player for the computer does not want to work. As soon as we get it up and running we will add more pictures.

Saturday, October 18, 2008

New Braunfels

What a handsome man!

Mark and I went to New Braunfels this past weekend to have Christmas pictures made. After the photographer left we played around and got a few pictures.

Thursday, October 16, 2008

Pittsburgh Pennsylvania

Mark went on a week long trip to Pittsburgh Pennsylvania. He arrived on Friday 10/10 and had half a day to go sight seeing. Mark and his friend, Louis, walked to the Heinz stadium and the Pirates Stadium. The leaves changed on the majority of the trees.
On Friday night Mark met up with a few people from work and went to a restaurant that was converted from an old train station to a restaurant. They rode in a trolley up the mountain to the restaurant. After their dinner they rode the trolley to the top of the mountain which over looked the town of Pittsburgh.
On Saturday and Sunday Mark went on a field trip to look at outcrops. He rode a tour bus along with about 50 others to check out different structures.

This is the only working steam train in Pennsylvania.
On Wednesday Mark and his friends went to play golf at a resort called Bedford Springs which was built in 1796.

30 Weeks- 10/8

I went to the dr. on Monday 10/13 and everything is going great. Wesley is growing and moving around alot. His favorite time to move and kick is all night long, he is just getting me ready for motherhood. I took my glucose test last dr's appointment and the results were great. Thank goodness I did not want to take the 3-4 hour blood test. Our next appointment is on October 31 and we are going to get our last sonogram. Welsey's room is still a work in progress, but we are working on getting it finished. It his hard to believe that he will be here in last than 9 weeks.

Wednesday, October 1, 2008

Midland Baby Shower

This past weekend Mark and I traveled to Mildand for our baby shower. We ate way to many burritos from our favorite restaurant's. We had a great turn-out with many thoughtful guests. It was very fun getting to see everyone and spend time with them. We played a game during the shower where you had to guess how big I am around using yarn. My cousin, Shelby, won the game. Way to go Shelby!! I am now 29 weeks but during the shower I was 28 weeks. Baby Wesley is growing daily and we can't wait to meet him. Thanks to Karissa, Sheri, Pat and Christy for hosting such a wonderful shower.